MYSQL Basics to know….PART -1


MYSQL Basics to know….PART -1

MYSQL-It is a Cross-Platform, Open-Source, Relational Database management system and free Application.

The data in a row is called “Record

The data in a column is called “Field

CREATE DATABASE -Creates a database in the server.

USE command -Switch to the database with specified name.

CREATE TABLE -Creates a entire database objects table.

Syntax: CREATE TABLE shirts1(shirts_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,Article VARCHAR(100),color VARCHAR(100), shirt_size VARCHAR(100),last_worn INT, PRIMARY KEY (shirts_id));

DESC(DESCRIBE) command-To see Database Field formats.

SELECT command -Extracts Data from a Database. Over here Asterisk “ * “ it selects all the columns from the table.

INSERT INTO command-Inserts data into the tables.

WHERE command -Is used for Filtering the records(rows).

UPDATE command- If you want to change any new Value/data to be added up in the table can use the UPDATE command. Updates the data in a database.

DELETE command — Used for deleting the precise data in a table.



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